Alice Day. April 25th. It may sound like a day for costume party, Disney-like venue where children can play and have fun adventures. Except it is the complete opposite. Alice Day, April 25th, is a celebration of Pedophile Pride. Horrendous as it is, this fact is not well known to the public until anonymous ...
We are all getiing tired hearing about the trash issue in Bali that continues to increase despite the many beach cleaning activities, the campaign to raise awareness, public complaints, petition to ban plastic, and even the sporadic emerge of NGO that thrive to help create a cleaner Bali. Seriously, we are so sick and tired of seeing ...
Before we go any further, I’d like to first introduce you to a new NGO called Green Books. Founded by Petr Hindrich, with the help of a group of friends, Green Books selects books about the environment, purchases them directly from the publishers at a discounted rate, and then place them in a library for children in rural areas to ...
“Welcome to Bali. Do you have plastic to declare?” Melati and Isabel, the duo sisters who pioneered the campaign to ban all use of plastic bags in Bali shows the level of dedication not many of us posses. With the help of their mother and friends, they managed to gain supports from the people, the ...
Following our previous “Exposed!” episode in regards to the new law and regulations to acquire and or maintain having a work permit in Indonesia, there were some comments mentioning this “news” as no more than a rumor causing a stir and widespread panic amongst the expat communities in Indonesia, and that this ...
The recent announcement of Indonesian Work Permit requirement gives plenty of expat a lot to look into, do, and think about. This article here dishes exactly how and when the new law takes effect. From what we know now, starting from March 2015, applicant to new visa or visa renewals be required to comply to the new requirement and ...
What could possibly prompt a Hollywood film maker to hop on an airplane for an impromptu vacation to Bali, and ended up making a short film here? Mike Pohorly , a film maker who has a long rep working in Hollywood moviews and TV series wound up visiting Bali back and forth after his first improptu vacation. The reason? Well, aside ...
His name is Charly. He lives in a bamboo house by the beach in a quite remote location in Karangasem, Bali. He has a pirate ship as an office. He also happens to be the owner and founder of a chocolate factory. Yes, he is a real life Charly of The Chocolate Factory. Does he also give out Golden Tickets for you to visit his factory? Hold ...
Holiday season is upon us! We just celebrated Halloween, and Thanksgiving and Christmas is coming up soon. It’s quite surprising to see how epic Halloween is celebrated here on the island. Adopting western culture, Halloween started being celebrated in Bali since more than 5 years ago. It’s quite new, it’s very well embraced, ...
The Cost of Safety for Susi Susi Johnston, a middle aged writer living in Bali for over 20 years, became a victim of repeated attacks in her home not long after her husband passed away of cancer. The perpetrator goes about living a normal day to day live while Susi has to live under 24/7 guard of 6 police officers in ...
Bali has sure seen the birth and progress of numerous bands this year, and here we are, happy to do our part related to the births and happenings related to the island's music scene! We are sure passionate to cheer for the newcomers to make their way and earn their place, of course starting in the local scene. This week we...