All about folk and country music. Tales of rural America, perfect if you are in a fire camp mood! Or simply in the mood for some goooood folk tunes!
Every Monday to Thursday at 2 PM - 4 PM Bali Time!
Jose Gonzales, the out of time man
Swedish folk singer Jose Gonzalez is probably the best turn-of-the-millenium folk music troubadour, a genre often dimmed as gently out of touch with today’s modern life. But don’t let yourself fooled by his seemingly simple approach to music. His music is a little bit like surfing. It looks so simple and yet takes year to elegantly master.His many influences, from West African harmonies to 60’s English pop gimmicks, from Midwest country storytelling to the harsh sound of a blues guitar.
Timeless and out of touch? Totally cool with him: It is actually how he often describes his musical experiments on his guitar. Which get us to an amusing paradox: To many people, he became famous with Red Dead Redemption, a GTA-like set in an agonizing Wild West reaching the end of ancient times into a violently emerging 20th century. Many gamers still gets goose bumps at the memory of riding a horse towards an infinite sunset on their way to Mexico with Jose Gonzales whispering a crystalline “Far away” to their ears. However, it would be highly unfair to sum up his career with this moment. He has been around a long time now, and should be around for long-time, hauling at the moon words of happiness with joy, class and simplicity.
His latest album, "vestiges and claws" was released in February 2015, and we pray, at Baliradio.net, that one day, he will come enchanting the island with his voice and melodies.
Bali has sure seen the birth and progress of numerous bands this year, and here we are, happy to do our part related to the births and happenings related to the island's music scene! We are sure passionate to cheer for the newcomers to make their way and earn their place, of course starting in the local scene. This week we...